Name: SNSNote - SNS style note For contact information, please refer to the contact information below.
(1) Crash data for application optimization and defect improvement
(1) Acquire crash data for application optimization and defect improvement
4-1 User information may be used not only to provide the services of this application, but also to improve other services.
4-2 The specific purposes of using the user information related to the service provision of this application are as follows.
(1) To provide services using this application (2) To respond to information and inquiries regarding this application
4-3 The purpose of use corresponding to 4-1 above is as follows. [Ten]
purpose of use
Corresponding user information item To help improve our services, develop new services, etc. To create statistical data in a non-personally identifiable format related to our services For other marketing purposes [11]
5-1 Regarding the following user information, the consent of the customer shall be obtained before the acquisition process is performed.
(1) User information